Friday, November 6, 2015

Quick Tips for Anyone with a Camera - Where did I Put that Photo?

OK, so you've taken a bunch of photos, maybe hundreds or even thousands.  Then one day you want to find one of them, or you want to post them online so someone else can find them.  Odds are the folder, directory or file name aren't going to have all the combinations one would ever search for.

This is where keywords come in, and you can put them into any photo you want. For Windows folks, you can even right-click a photo and add them, but any photo software probably has an easier way.

Take, the following photo.

There could be any of a number of reasons one would want to see this photo:
  • For a contest: rest, relaxation, beach, ocean, Atlantic Ocean, people, etc.
  • Mom remembers a photo of a beach with a lifeguard stand that she wants
  • I want to put it on a sales site and set up for anyone to search for it anyway I can think of
Try covering all that in a folder or file name.

How would anyone find it, especially months or years down the road.  Sure, you could scan through a folder of hundreds or thousands of photos.  That will likely be a lesson in futility, at best, assuming one finds it at all.

I use Adobe Lightroom CC, so, just for the sake of example, I'll demonstrate with it.

I set up a grouped set of keywords in categories.  This makes it very easy to QUICKLY scan through the keywords, and click off the ones I want (no typing, guessing, or remembering).  Each group contains sub-groups and keywords.

The entire list is attached in the link below and can be imported into Lightroom, and maybe other programs.

Here's the keywords I applied to the above in less than a minute:

Atlantic Ocean, Beach, Blue, Brown, Colorful, Flagler Beach, Florida, Gray, Grey, Lifeguard, Lifeguard Stand, Outdoors, Nature, People, Playful, Playing, Recreation, Red, Skin Tone, Swim, Swimming, Water, White, Yellow

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