Friday, July 10, 2015

Learn Photography through YouTube

Don't underestimate the value of YouTube as an informational resource.  I'm sure quite a few, if not a lot, of people think of YouTube as cute or funny videos that go viral.  YouTube offers far more serious resources for virtually any topic, including photography.  Have a look around.  Just go to:

YouTube and do some searching.

HUGE TIP: Subscribe to folks on YouTube, if you like what they offer.  Getting an e-mail notification of a new video is an EASY way to keep up.

Also, a little reminder of mine for watching videos that I love:

Another Way to Watch YouTube

Having said all that, to help get you going, here are a few of my favorite YouTube subscriptions for photography:


BH Photo Video

Anthony Morganti

Friday, July 3, 2015

HUGE TIP - Losing Files in Adobe Lightroom

This isn't necessarily for everyone, but for anyone using Adobe Lightroom.  One of the biggest problems I see people ask is about losing photos in Lightroom.

The solution, over 90% of the time, is simple.  Once the photos are in Lightroom, manage them completely in Lightroom from now on.  This includes moving, renaming, and deleting files.  Don't do this in say Windows Explorer or the Mac equivalent.  Lightroom doesn't store photos, it just points to them, so if you do stuff outside of Lightroom, Lightroom may no longer know what or where they are.

There are tools to recover missing files in Lightroom, but that can be a royal pain.  Just manage them correctly in the first place. :-)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Quick Tips for Anyone with a Camera - Photographing Cats or any Pet for that Matter

Found this great article on shooting cats, but applies to any pet or animal in my opinion.

The main thing is to have a camera ready.  The moment may only last a split second.  This article pretty applies to any camera, from a camera phone to a professional level dSLR.

Better Cat Photography

As usual, any questions, just fire away.
Click on the blog title (Brett's Photography Tidbits) at the top to see all my tips.